Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Taking pictures of two kids is not as easy as it looks

It starts with this one, and I'm not happy with Nora's smile:

So, we try again. She's going...


Let's try this again. YES, I did it!

Well, not quite, so let's try one more time. Again, not exactly the smile I was hoping for.

And, she's gone again...

This is getting a little better. If only I did a better job centering the photo.

And, I call this one "enough mom, I'm done".

"Please, Nora, one more?" I ask. And she obliges.

A note about the clothing - yes, my daughter is wearing a holiday sweater. For the record, I find these to only be appropriate for children. And yes, she is not wearing any pants, we're trying to potty learn over here, mmkay?


Kathya said...

i love the pictures. my Faith is the same way. it used to be so much easy when she wasnt able to walk away. :)
why are you taking the pictures for?
Christmas cards?

Unknown said...

Oh man, can I relate! They're adorable! Wow - very cute kids.

Mom said...

They are so cute! Nora looks like she was getting ready to bolt. She looks so cute with her arm around her brother. Mom

Controlling My Chaos said...

Taking kids' pictures is so hard when you need them to sit still and smile. I feel your pain. The last one is pretty good though, nice and close up so you can see their cute faces.

Red said...

love the pictures, the kidlets are so cute!! We think pants are optional in this house to :D